Pamie Davis Resignation Letter, 1957. (LaTSC) Land Records, 1899-1910. (LaTSC) Secondary Documents about Davis Bros and/or Ansley “Home,” by Grace Overstreet (LaTSC) “The Davis Family History,” by Virginia (Davis) Laskey (Hunt Archive)
Where do these documents come from?
The Davis Brothers Digital Document Archive is a collection of newspapers (Ruston Daily Leader), documents from the Louisiana Tech Prescott Library Special Collections M-177, M-477 Box 003-004, and M-389 Box 2 Folder 3 (abbreviated LaTSC), and documents discovered in the possession of the Hunt family by Nicholas Ducote during his research as Hunt Family Historian in 2012 and 2013. This Digital Document Archive is not designed to be a comprehensive repository of all documents pertaining to the Davis Brothers Lumber Company and the Davis Family of North Louisiana. Rather, the Archive features a number of the most interesting and informative pieces of their history.
For additional information about the Davis Brothers Digital Archive or HuntFamily, contact Nicholas Ducote.